Oxfordshire’s virtual school conference

We recently attended the virtual schools conference for Oxfordshire located at the Kassam Stadium, where we were exibiting our Roots and Stars programme in our usual creative style.

A small trip to rural France

We are just back from a quick two week break over in central Burgandy, France. This area of France is where the Morvan National park is located, within the park there is a fantastic network of rivers, a lot of which are controlled by dam release so there is reliable water levels throughout the year. […]

A day off in Nottingham

Last Thursday after a successful morning of hard work in the office, we decided it would be a good idea to take advantage of the shiny weather in the afternoon, and go kayaking. Did a small 3 hour freestyle session at the Nottingham White Water Centre. Photos by Heather Ryder. Paddlers: Sam Valman & Will […]

Metal letters

Our very own Heather Ryder turned into a specialist metal worker earlier today and has cut out some steel letters to go on the front of the building up in Scotland. We try and make sure all the practical jobs are done by our own hands, rather than hiring a company to come and do […]

Sam the MTB Man

Our Mountain Biking instructor Sam Jones has been busy up in the forests of North Wales cycling down big hills very fast and refining his techniques on the skills track at Coed y Brenin.

Business plan on a stick

We have just finished outlining our plans for the next few years. To make it visual so you can see what we are up to without having to read paragraphs of planning, we decided to ay out our various ideas on a signpost. Check it out!